Nafll salat

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Special Prayers
How to perform prayers of Ishraq, Duha (Chaasht), Awabeen, Tahajjud, Tasbeeh, Hajaat to the benefits of greatness that accrue from them.

Prayer of Ishraq
The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: Those who perform the Fajr prayer in congregation (Jamaa’at), read the Zikr (remembrance of Allah) till the sun has completely arisen (length of a spear from the horizon, after 20 minutes of sunrise) and read 2 Raka-at Nafil prayer, will have the benedictions (sawaab) equal to those of Haj-Umrah. It is recommended to read the Surah Fateha and Ayyat-uk-Kursi till Khaalidoon, in the first Raka-at, and in the second Raka-at to read, after Surah Fateha, Aamanar Rasul till the end of Suratul Baqarah. In the case that this verse cannot be read from memory, one can recite any other verse and then ask Duas. Woman should read all prayers of Farz and Nafil at home and will derive the same benefits (sawaab) that accrue from prayer performed at the Mosque (Tirmizi Shareef).

Salatul Duha [Chaasht]
The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: For the one that has read the 12 Raka-at Salatud Duha, Allah will build for him a golden castle in paradise, and the one that always reads the 2 Raka-ats of Chaasht will have his sins forgiven even though they may be of oceanic dimensions (Tirmizi and Then Maaja). The prayer of Chaasht consists of 2 Raka-at and of a maximum of 12 Raka-ats. It should be read between the time the sun has completely risen from the horizon and before Zawal (zenith of the sun).

Salatul Awwabeen
This Nafil prayer is read after the Farz (Fard) and Sunnat of Maghrib. It consist of a minimum of 6 Raka-ats and this Nafil prayer procures many benedictions (blessings) and mercy.
Prayer of Tahajjud
Our Master, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said: In Paradise there is a castle reserved for those who read Tahajjud and the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) further adds, those who pray at night will enter paradise without having to account for their acts in this life. The Nafils of Tahajjud are read after the Esha prayer, but it is important to sleep before performing Tahajjud. The prayer consists of a minimum of 2 Raka-ats, and a maximum of 8 or 12 Raka-ats (to be read according ones capacity).
After Esha prayers sleep for some time, then wake up any time during the night before the rise of morning for Tahajjud prayers. With the performance of 2 Rakats you have duly achieved your Tahajjud. However, the performance of 8 Rakats in Sunnat, and complying with the practice of the Holy Saints of Islam and performing 12 Rakats is commendable.
It is recommended that you recite in your prayers as much of the Sacred Quran as you know. If you happen to know by heart the whole of the Sacred Quran you may, in at least 3 nights or most 4 nights of Tahajjud effectuate the complete reading of the Sacred Quran.
Otherwise, you may recite 3 Surah Ikhlas (Qul Hu Allahu Ahad) after your "Alhamdu..." in every Rakat and you will thus derive full benefits of the full recital of the Sacred Quran in every Rakat.

Salatul Tasbih
Our beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had taught this Nafil prayer to his Uncle, Hazrat Abbas (RA) and told him; He who performs this prayer will have his past and future sins forgiven. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has recommended to read this prayer daily on each Friday or once a month or once a year, in case of this not being possible, to read it even once in one’s life. This Nafil prayer provides limitless benefits both in the material and spiritual life.

How to perform this Nafil
After having pronounced one’s intention (Niyat), say Allaho-Akbar, read "Subhanaka-Alla humma" completely (Sana), read now 15 times "Subhaanallah wal hamdo Lillaah wala illaha Illallah Wallah-o-Akbar." Then read Aoozu billah and Bismillah (completely) and Surah Fateha. Then recite 10 times the Tasbih mentioned above and go to Ruku. Here also recite 10 times the Tasbih before raising yourself to read another 10 times the same Tasbih, this time in a standing position. Then prostrate (Sajdah) and read 10 times the Tasbih, sit now and read again 10 times this Tasbih (Jalsa) and prostrate again, Tasbish 10 times in the 2nd Raka-at begin by reading 15 times this Tasbih before reading "Bismillah" and Surah Fateha. After that read 10 times the Tasbih and then proceed as in the first Raka-at. To end the second Raka-at, read as usual "Attahiyat", "Durood" and "Duas". Then read 2 other Raka-ats. As in each Raka-at the Tasbih is recited 75 times, it means that in all 4 Raka-at the Tasbih is read 300 times. In the other 2 Raka-at, after "Subhana Rabbiyal-azeem", read the Tasbih 75 times and in the Sajdah (prostrations after Subhaan Rabbiyal-ala) read again 75 times the Tasbih.
Note: No fixed time has been prescribed for this prayer, a fact, which means that besides any time prohibited this prayer, can be read at any time.

Salatul Hajaat
In case of difficulty, illness or of authorized necessity this prayer is read. The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had taught this to a blind person who, as soon as he performed it, regained his eyesight. (Tirmizi Shareef Tibrani)
To perform this prayer it is recommended to wear one’s best and clean clothes and to perform pleasingly one’s ablution (Wudu). Then 2 Raka-ta Nafil is read in the usual way, after salaam this dua is read:
Allahuma Inni As-aloka wa (Atawassalo) Wa Atawajjaaho ilaika be nabbiyeka Muhammadin nabi yir Rahmate ya Rasullulah. Inni tawajjahto be ka ila Rabbi fi hajaati haa-zehi (here we make our requests (le tuqza li) Allahumma fashaffiho fiya
Translation: O Allah I implore You and I come near You through the intermediary of Your Prophet (Nabee) Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) who is the Prophet of Grace. Ya Rasullullah, through your intercession I implore Allah to accept my request. O Allah grant the intercession of your Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in my favor.

Courtesy sunnirazvi


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Allah hu Akbar

Allah hu Akbar
अपना ये रूहानी ब्लॉग हम अपने पापा मरहूम सत्तार अहमद ख़ान और अम्मी ख़ुशनूदी ख़ान 'चांदनी' को समर्पित करते हैं.
-फ़िरदौस ख़ान

This blog is devoted to my father Late Sattar Ahmad Khan and mother Late Khushnudi Khan 'Chandni'...
-Firdaus Khan


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